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Home: Welcome
Finding a home away from home for your dogs

No more kennels, cages, yowls or growls. Perfect dog boarding- home-away from home for your dog. Find loving care in your neighborhood through our network of trusted sitters. 

dog care
homestay for dogs near me


dog home boarding app
dog walking app
Trustworthy Sitters who care like you do!


All hosts are verified and trained to ensure your pet receives the best care!


Our team is always at hand to guide you through any unforeseen circumstances

Why Tailz


Meet and know your host before the day of your booking.

How it works

Sign Up

Create your profile and define your pet's preferences.


Find pet-sitters and walkers near you, review their profile.

Pay & Relax

Confirm your booking, drop your dog & check service updates on the app.

Dog parenting app
Choose from 500+ verified caregivers
tailZ dogcare
tailZ Dog Homestay
Dog Nutrition
tailZ homeboarding
Our mentors love us and so do our guests
tailZ Dog home boarding
Seed Spark Stanford
StrongHer Ventures
TiE Runners Up

Arise Accelerator by StrongHer Ventures: tailZ was selected as Top 40, from across the globe to be part of W2022 Cohort

Stanford Seed Spark Program:
tailZ was among Top 20 finalist, selected from across South Asia

Happy pets.
Happy pet parents. 

"I’m genuinely very grateful to them, Milo was sick when I left him but he’s in much better condition now. They gave him medication and a nice bath and sent his videos. I was realllyyy very very happy and satisfied leaving Milo with them."


-Ramanshi Alhuwalia (Milo’s Pet Parent)

boarding near me