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Is Your Dog Right-Pawed or Left-Pawed?

Dog paws

Did you know that dogs, like humans, can show a preference for one side of their body over the other? While humans are typically right- or left-handed, dogs can also be right- or left-pawed! Understanding your dog’s paw preference isn’t just a fun fact—it can also give insights into their brain function and behaviour.

How to Find Out

To determine if your dog is right- or left-pawed, try these simple tests:

Paw shake

  1. The Paw Shake Test: Offer your hand and see which paw your dog consistently uses to "shake."

  2. The Kong Test: Fill a Kong or similar toy with treats and observe which paw your dog uses to stabilize the toy.

  3. The Door Scratch Test: Watch which paw your dog uses to scratch at the door or ground.

Repeat these tests multiple times to ensure accuracy.

What It Means

Paw preference is linked to brain dominance, similar to handedness in humans. A right-pawed dog typically has left-brain dominance, which is associated with logic and tasks. Conversely, a left-pawed dog may have right-brain dominance, connected to creativity and emotion.

Interestingly, studies show that the paw preference in dogs is nearly evenly split, with some being ambidextrous!

Why It Matters

Running dog

Knowing your dog’s paw preference can be helpful for training or certain activities, like agility sports. It also provides insights into their individual personality and could even have implications for detecting health issues, as any sudden change in paw usage might indicate discomfort or pain.

So, is your furry friend a rightie, a leftie, or a mix of both? Grab their favorite toy and find out!

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