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Just tailZ it!

your guide to happy pet-parenting

Getting Started

verified dog walkers

Login using your Mobile Number and Verification Code

dog training in delhi

Complete your and your Pet's Profile.

Menu> Account>Profile

reliable dog walking service

Help us reach out to you in case of emergency- complete your contact details

Account>Profile>Account Info

reliable dog walker near me

We want to know your pet better- complete your pet's profile

Menu> Account>Profile>Pets

New Booking

pet boarding near me

Select the desired service on the Home Page

dog hostel near me

Browse all Hosts in your area for the selected service

dog boarding

View the detailed profile of your selected host & initiate the booking

pet homestays

Host will receive your request. You will receive a notification when your Host accepts or rejects your request

dog homestays app

Once your Host accepts the request, you will need to make the payment to confirm your booking. 

A refundable security amount maybe collected along with the booking amount.

After completion of the booking, we will refund this amount within 48 hours.

dog homestays

After payment, you will receive your Host's contact details for Meet & Greet. We strongly recommend you to meet your Host few days prior to the actual booking

easy to use dog walking app

Confirm the booking after meeting your Host

app for dog care

The request is now visible under Upcoming Bookings

Start & End of Boarding & Day Care

book dog boarding

Start the service when you drop your pet. Now the booking is visible under Ongoing Bookings

dog boarding app

Click on Ongoing Bookings for photo updates from your Host

Don't forget to end the service after picking up your pet

dog walking app

Share your feedback with us

dog walker app

Rate the Service!

Start & End of Walking Service

Walking Start Service

Start the service when your dog starts the walk. Now the booking is visible under Ongoing Bookings

Walk tracking

Under Ongoing Bookings click on the walk date to track the walk and to check your pet's location.

dog walk Tracking

You will be able to see the walk route.

dog walker review

At the end of the service, rate the walk!

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